Au Revoir
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Au Revoir

2002-04-01 - 3:53 p.m.

so NY has been on my mind lately. I still want to be there desperately and all, but I needed that good kick that J gave me today. But now I'm worrying about if he'll like it there or not, cause even though he made the decision with some sort of independence, I feel that I've really built it up for him and I can't let him down.

a good shot of optimism is what I need.

I did some sewing yesterday, and I'm pleased to say that it does not aggravate me as much as it used to. I still suck at it though, but I figure, if Urban Outfitters can charge fifty-something bucks for a shoddy skirt, surely people will think my handmade clothing is chic. I also made a wide cloth-covered bracelet but after trying it on, it reminded me of those detached shirt cuffs that Chippendale dancers wear.

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