Au Revoir
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Au Revoir

2002-03-30 - 11:38 a.m.

creme brulee, getting soaked in the rain, popping contact lens, thinking about chicago, le tigre, self-pity. crazy glue, more self-pity *edited: listening to an old Tsunami album this afternoon brought on all the self-pity. It made me think about when I first picked up this album three years ago from Mod Lang. I played it over and over, while lying on my dinky lofted bed, when problems with a boy were bringing me down. Funny thing is, I'm not sure which boy it was. I'm not sure what I'm feeling pitiful about--certainly not boys. I just think that three years ago, I was pretty naive but pretended not to be, and I'm afraid I'm still that way. And that makes me somewhat sad.

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